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Wish list DEMO-MODE

What should I give you? Now we know the answer to this difficult question! 
  • Create a list of desired gifts
  • Please provide links to internet pages
  • Guests can sign up by any gift on your website
What about unwanted gifts? We have a "Bad Gift Ideas" for this. A gift blacklist is sometimes more important than a list of wanted gifts. Write down what you definitely don't need and what you wouldn't want to receive as a gift!
  • Simple and convenient list creation
  • Your guests will look at the bad gift ideas and rid you of unnecessary things

Create your gift list now!

There is a kid in everyone of us, and we like presents on our party! Wishlist is a huge help for your guests. They won't have to guess and you will get what you'd like.

Bad gift ideas

The blacklist of gifts is even more important than the wishlist. Add here the type of gifts you do not want to receive!

helps to organize parties
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corporate party

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new year party

распланируй праздник

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